Mac mini 2011 ssd replacement
Mac mini 2011 ssd replacement

mac mini 2011 ssd replacement

Lots of the vids seem to only show how easy it is, and it is, but there are a couple places you can pull a ribbon plug wrong and screw things up.

mac mini 2011 ssd replacement

I watched several different videos looking for ones where people made mistakes so i could see what not to do. And that is exactly what I ended up doing on both. I couldn't find real answers to if that made a difference, but I did watch a lot of youtube vids about replacing internally. My research on replacement was that using them externally would slow the speed to whatever the connecting cable speed was limited to. I have two of the exact same 2014 Minis you speak of, one for me & the other for the wife. I thought about doing just what you are asking, using an external SSD drive as the OS hard disk, for exactly the same reason. Have you confirmed that the system is hanging on disk accesses, or constantly swapping? If it is not, then speeding up the disk accesses will do little or nothing to eradicate the beach ball, although other aspects of system performance might get a boost. Would a second drive as the SSD, configured to be the boot drive, with the OS X there, be a good solution for application speed and the spinning beach ball? Maybe, it depends on what the machine is doing that is causing the delay. This is very easy to install, in comparison. They also sell an add-on PCIe SSD, simply a circuit board with a ribbon cable, which affixes to some screws present inside the case.

mac mini 2011 ssd replacement

OWC has a SSD replacement drive, which takes a fair amount of mechanic work to install. For whatever stupid reason, Apple soldered the RAM to the logic board, so I am stuck with 8 GB RAM for this i5 processor. In that OS, the spinning beach ball of death has returned.

Mac mini 2011 ssd replacement